Want to help?

We rely heavily on sponsorships and the 100% volunteer efforts of our members, but will always make a much bigger impact with the help of the community. Even $10 is helpful and appreciated.

The Battle of the Brews event is brought to you by the Active 20-30 Club of Santa Rosa #50, in collaboration with Sonoma County’s three major beer distributors: Columbia Distributing, Eagle Distributing and Morris Distributing. These groups came together to see how they could partner to bring a one-of-a-kind experience celebrating Sonoma County and all things craft beer.

It is Sonoma County’s Premier Craft Beer Event™ which includes two options: the VIP Craft Cup Competition, a Commercial Beer Competition (beer entered into the Commercial Beer Competition will also be on tap to sample by Craft Cup attendees) featuring special edition, limited release and popular craft brews; and the People’s Choice Main Event, an affordable beer tasting alternative featuring dozens of craft brew tasting opportunities. The event is held at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds.